Public Information and Announcements
I'm writing to inform you that MSAD 54 will be moving to "mask optional" on March 9th following today's announcement by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Department of Education, that effective March 9th universal masking is no longer a statewide recommendation.
On Friday, February 25th, the Federal CDC adjusted their recommendations for both local communities and schools. This marked a significant change in the CDC’s approach to school-based recommendations and has followed the science around the virus and the downward trend in cases across the nation. The Federal CDC made it clear that although COVID-19 continues to pose a risk to citizens, especially those unvaccinated, the community recommendations are shifting to reflect the changes being observed. As of today, Maine CDC is continuing to recommend universal masking in all Maine schools.
On Thursday, February 17, the MSAD 54 School Board supported the recommendation to move to “Mask Optional” in MSAD 54 schools this school year. This shift, the timing of which will likely be finalized at the next board meeting on March 10th, reflects new guidance, which was changed because of the improving case numbers state-wide.
At the MSAD 54 School Board Meeting of 8/12/21, I recommended the board require the use of masks in school for everyone, regardless of vaccination. The Board supported this recommendation and committed to reviewing the decision monthly throughout the year. At the Board meetings of 10/21, 11/16, 12/16, and 1/20, the Board affirmed/reviewed the decision and my recommendation that masks continue to be required for this school year unless the following criteria were to change: 1) State & Federal Guidance, 2) Keeping Kids in School Safely, 3) Student Vaccinations, 4) State and Local Data.
The next building committee meeting is scheduled for March 2nd in the Skowhegan Area Middle School Library.
I am writing to you this evening to share that over the past week the district was informed of 31 additional cases of COVID-19. These cases impacted students and/or staff at Canaan Elementary School (3 case), Bloomfield Elementary School (4 cases), Margaret Chase Smith School (2 cases), Mill Stream Elementary School (6 cases), Skowhegan Area High School (12 cases), and Skowhegan Area Middle School (4 cases).
It is important to remember that under the new SOP from the state, all individuals who test positive must isolate for 5 days and then, depending on symptoms, may be around others but must mask for 10 days when they are around other people. If your child tests positive for COVID-19 it is recommended that you contact their primary care provider to discuss any steps you should take as they heal and start taking part in activities again such as sports.
RFP for Additions and Renovations to the existing Skowhegan Area Middle School
Bids must be received before 2 p.m. on March 15, 2022. Bids received after 2 p.m. will not be considered and will be returned unopened.